Teensy 4.1 Pin | Thermocam V3 Function |
D2 | Push Button |
D3 | FLIR Lepton VSync |
D5 | Touch Screen Interrupt |
D9 | Touch Screen Chip Select (SPI) |
D10 | Touch Screen DC (SPI) |
D11 | SPI0 MOSI |
D12 | SPI0 MISO |
D13 | SPI0 SCK |
D18 | I2C SDA |
D19 | I2C SDL |
D21 | LCD Chip Select (SPI) |
D22 | LCD Backlight Enable |
D23 | Battery Measure |
D26 | SPI1 MOSI |
D27 | SPI1 SCK |
D38 | FLIR Lepton Chip Select (SPI) |
D39 | SPI1 MISO |
A16 | USB Voltage Measure |
The printed circuit board has been created with Autosoft Eagle. Use this software to open the .sch (Schematic) or .brd (Board) files.
You can also use the and upload it to any PCB service of your choice to manufacture the board, for example PCB Protoyping. Dimensions are 89.4mm (w) x 68.4mm (h), 1.6mm thickness and 2 layers.
The enclosure has been designed with Google Sketchup in 3D and converted to 2D files to laser-cut them. The 2D SVG file can be opened with Inkscape.
helmarw has created an updated design for 3D printing, than can be found here: